SHOT Show 2020 – Todd Huey’s Favorite Hog Gun

One Rifle to Rule Them All?

We ran into Todd Huey at the LWRC booth and talked about what he’s been hunting with, and what one rifle and caliber he currently prefers over all others for hog eradication…so much so, he has plans to force himself away from it.

We’re huge fans of Todd…to read more about his caliber preferences, be sure to check out this article about the best calibers for hog hunting.

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David Anderson
5 years ago

I have a 16″ and 20″ .308 and wouldn’t have anything else. Funny how people who experiment with all kinds of calibers and cartridges eventually come back to the classic battle rifle round.

5 years ago

Thank you for writing this. Really insightful and helpful to all of us hunters.

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