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Centurion Arms RECCE Rifle with Monty LeClair

With the launch of Centurion Arms’ RECCE rifle, we decided to sit down with Monty LeClair to discuss the meaning of “RECCE rifle”, his background with the platform, details of the Centurion Arms RECCE rifle, and why a similar AR build might be perfectly suited for you…depending on your needs.

Stephanie Martz – AR-15s, Women & the Power of “Why”

As a small arms repairman and writer for the American Gunsmith, Stephanie Martz’s passion for building and maintaining firearms at a high level is an inspiration. To learn more about Stephanie, her journey with the AR, her path towards excellence, and the importance of asking “why?”, we were fortunate enough to sit down and speak with her for a brief interview.

Latest for ARs – Dirty Bird 2-Stage Trigger

Dirty Bird Industries has announced the release of a new Dirty Bird 2-Stage Trigger.  Dirty Bird Industries is a family owned and operated company in Bakersfield, CA, specializing in custom cerakote and AR15 hardware. In the past few months, we’ve have used Dirty Bird parts on a few occasions…most notably in a 9mm carbine build and … Read more

.224 Valkyrie – A 2019 Update with James Gilliland

We recently checked back in with James Gilliland about the .224 Valkyrie round, which last year, he said he believed to be “probably the best AR-15 cartridge that has ever been made.” We found out if James still believes that to be the case, what’s new for the cartridge, what he’d recommend for a deer hunting rifle in the caliber, and much more…

Best Red Dot Pistol Sights with Modern Samurai Project

While a red dot (or LPVO) is a given on almost all of my ARs, I’ve recently been exploring the idea of putting my first red dot on a pistol. To get an educated opinion on the best red dot pistol sights and why a red dot on a pistol is worth considering, we reached out to Scott Jedlinski of Modern Samurai Project.

Tommy Built Tactical & the Resurrection of the G36

What started as a personal passion project for Tommy Built Tactical has culminated in the resurrection of a long-sought after collector’s piece – a clone of the near unobtainable H&K G36. To learn more about the rise of the Tommy Built Tactical t36, we recently spoke with owner and founder, Tom Bostic…

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