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ATF Releases Guidelines ‘Factoring Criteria for Firearms… Photo by GunDMC The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has released new guidelines for determining whether a firearm with a pistol stabilizing brace should be classified as…
Building an AR-15 - Understanding the "Why" of Parts… While factors like craftsmanship, quality, and the like are critical, most people seem to neglect the reasoning behind their build choices. When building an AR-15, there are many variables to…
SIG P365: Redefining Concealed Carry Excellence While this page focuses on the AR-15, we receive an unexpectedly high number of inquiries about one handgun in particular: the Sig P365. Its naming convention seems to openly suggest…
6mm MAX - An ARBuildJunkie Q&A with Michael Russo Just prior to his first-place finish in the Quantified Performance Series Finale (General Purpose division), We spoke with Michael Russo, team shooter for Sons of Liberty Gun Works and 2AF,…
GOP Seeks to Counter Pistol Brace Regulation, Citing 'Misuse… This week, House Republicans are working to prevent the enforcement of the Biden administration's recent rule, which imposes stricter regulations on pistol stabilizing braces and is considered an overreach of…
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