Help support AR15Discounts.com, the sponsor who allows us to do what we do at ARBuildJunkie.com. Enter today for a chance to win. Win a Sig Sauer P320 X5 Legion, Dirty Bird Enhanced RECCE ODG Anodized AR-15 outfitted with a Vortex RZR 1-10 Scope, a case of 9mm and .223 ammo, a Savior Equipment Guitar Rifle Case & more! This contest, sponsored by AR15Discounts.com is their biggest giveaway ever, and has a retail value of just under $7000.
Sweet music
I really hope I win that rifle
My Bday is on March 31st!
Its good to know the ability & usage of the diferent calibers
First time seeing that guitar case, pretty nice.. ain’t gonna lie. Now I have a mission
Excellent organization could be prouder
Let’s goooo!!