Dirty Bird Industries Launches AR-10 Multi-Cal Ambidextrous… Via Dirty Bird Industries: The Dirty Bird AR-10 Ambidextrous stripped lower receiver is the perfect building block for your new AR-10 build. Our Ambi AR-10 lower is a perfect fit with our AR-10…
Bob Faxon of Faxon Firearms Talks Barrels, Builds, and 8.6… We recently sat down with Bob Faxon of Faxon Firearms for a wide-ranging interview covering his company's history, lessons learned on AR barrel making, expanding his product line, and his…
Should I Build or Buy an AR-15? An ARBuildJunkie Overview One of the most common questions we get at ARBuildJunkie is "should I buy or build an AR-15?" The answer depends on several variables. Author Todd Gimian explores the pros…