In our recent interview with Mike Mihalski about Sons of Liberty Gun Works, we discussed his company’s recent partnership with Chuck Pressburg of Presscheck Consulting. During the course of a recent conversation with Chuck about his new Patreon page, we talked about Sons of Liberty Gun Works, and why he decided to come on board as professional staff for the company.

Q: Chuck, can you talk about the Sons of Liberty Gun Works partnership?
Chuck Pressburg – Presscheck Consulting – Unbeknownst to Sons of Liberty Gun Works, I had been advocating for them behind the scenes, because one of the biggest questions I get from Patreon supporters is “O.K…we know you shoot Hodge guns, but they are essentially unobtainable. So, what rifle do you recommend if you cannot get a Hodge?”

People who ask this question also usually follow that question by immediately saying “…and I do not want to pay $3,000 for the gun. None of your high-end Knight’s Armament or Noveske.”
What they are essentially asking for is an AR that is assembled with quality parts and proper quality control. They’re not looking for “sexy, paying for a name, high-end ‘unobtanium’ materials.” Rather, they want an AR-15 that is properly assembled, and has the right parts…using lot-to-lot quality control.
Q: Can you explain why that sort of quality control matters?
Chuck Pressburg – Presscheck Consulting – A lot of people don’t understand that many companies are buying parts from various OEMs. If they have an assembly line, and they have a roll pin, or another item that in the grand scheme of things people don’t think makes that much of a difference, they might buy it from People’s Factory Camp #7 from the People’s Republic of China on one batch, but then buy that same part from someplace else cheaper on the next batch.

“With Chuck Pressburg, the level of experience and the level of guidance that he can give us on bringing out new products, and actually developing some stuff that we’ve been working on for a while now, by getting his input on the fine-tuning of it…that’s invaluable. His level of experience and expertise just doesn’t come around everyday. When we got into talks and learned that he was interested, that was a very easy decision for us to make”
Mike Mihalski – SOLGW
Now, at the building workstation, they have a tacklebox or a little pull-out drawer. When the roll pins or whatever run low, someone from the company comes along and dumps a new Ziplock bag with another 250 roll pins right on top of the other ones.
Q: What are the potential ramifications of that?
Chuck Pressburg – Presscheck Consulting – Well, if there is a metallurgical problem over at People’s Camp #7 and those roll pins start failing, that company will have no way to determine what rifles they shipped out of their place that had People’s Camp #7 roll pins, or whether it was South Korean roll pins that were failing, because they mixed sub-component OEM parts within the same manufacturing process.
They’ve lost the ability to track parts failures and determine where along the supply chain they have a problem…and potentially recall or offer warranty services to do right by the customer. What I learned with Sons of Liberty Gun Works is that these guys did take care enough to have that missing attention to detail.

Q: It is typically the little things that trip up new builders. I’ve found that understanding the importance of attention to detail is often learned the hard way…
Chuck Pressburg – Presscheck Consulting – I’m not really a “gun guy,” meaning I’m not an armorer. I don’t have an entire bench of armorer’s tools and I don’t pull and replace barrels and assemble lower receivers. I don’t wrench on my own guns. I outsource my guns to professionals who conduct those types of armorer’s services for me. Something as simple as washers, spacers and Rocksett, and perhaps wanting to switch flash hiders on a rifle, if I want to switch suppressors, that’s a huge deal for me.
It’s simply beyond my ability to do in my garage right now. There are other guys that are out there like me, in the regular world. They don’t have the ability, whether it be knowledge, equipment or confidence to do major corrections to their guns. So, the idea of doing an AR build is hard. If they get a 6920 stripped and then they want a rail and a new pistol grip but they don’t know how to do it, they end up shipping their gun to somebody else, and then paying that person to bolt on all the accessories all over their gun.

“The ability I had to build my own gun”
So, when I went to the Sons of Liberty website, before those guys ever approached me, I started looking at the ability I had to build my own gun, I was essentially able to make the rifle that I wanted with the parts that I wanted, and then Sons of Liberty would put it all together. So, I could go to my FFL and pick up a gun that from the flash hider to the swivel attachments, had all of the sub-component pieces that I could possibly want.
You end up being able to pay for the parts that you want, and you’re not paying for the parts that you don’t want. Also, based off the feedback that I have from others who have been running Sons of Liberty guns, and the product that I was able to get my hands on, I saw consistent, good quality control.
Nothing stupid fancy or nothing extra sexy. Rather, they just build guns the way that the guns need to be built so that they just flat-out run. So, if you can get a gun that’s reliable, assembled properly, and you’re not going to have issues with it, and you can get it built like you would build a car, meaning what color interior? what kind of seats? do you want the auto mirrors?

You can assemble an AR-15 in a virtual environment, all the way down to the color of the Cerakote you want, and you can have it show up ready-to-go, slap a light and a laser on it, slap a sling and an optic on it and roll…Sons of Liberty Gun Works is making that happen.
As such, I think I kind of owed it to the community to look at and find a company that was able to get AR-15s that were more available than the absolute perfection of the Hodge platform that I had been running, but no one else could have access to.
Q: I know that Sons of Liberty has released a Sage Dynamics Signature Rifle. I almost bought one, but then decided I might just have to wait for a potential Chuck Pressburg/Sons of Liberty Signature Rifle. Any chance of that happening?

Chuck Pressburg – Presscheck Consulting – As I am moving into the AR space more this year, I think that as I am experimenting with the idea of a “do-all carbine,” I will have some preferences about accessories and the way that I want a gun set up. So, yeah…it’s very possible I could end up talking to Sons of Liberty, and us putting a package together of my favorite things, and then make that available to customers.