Latest Interviews

AR-15 Basics with Kyle Lamb of Viking Tactics

ARBuildJunkie recently sat down with Kyle Lamb of Viking Tactics to discuss AR-15 basics and share advice for those looking to build a no-nonsense defensive carbine. We talked AR-15 basics -the do’s and don’ts, projects Viking Tactics is working on, and what Kyle sees for the future of the AR-15 platform.

F4 Defense – AR Rifle and Part Manufacturer

F4 Defense is a name we’ve heard repeatedly from builders and AR enthusiasts when it comes to higher-end rifles and parts. Not being overly familiar with the company, I reached out to the F4 Defense COO, Dave Fairfax, to discuss the company and how it is attempting to stand out in the crowded AR marketplace.

3-Gun Ready AR-15 Builds with Bruce Piatt

Where do we turn when our readers want to learn about 3-Gun Ready AR-15 Builds? All roads lead back to World Shooting Champion Bruce Piatt. Few have lived with the AR professionally for as long or as intensively as he has.

Home Defense Carbine – A Discussion with John Paul

What features should a home defense carbine build have?  When we recently sat down with John Paul of JP Enterprises, Inc., we were keen to get his opinion on the topic. In case you missed the first part of our interview, you can view it here. Q:  John, a lot of builders are looking to … Read more

Best AR-15 Upgrades with John Paul of JP Enterprises

So…just what are the best AR-15 upgrades you can make to your AR? We decided to go to one of the world’s leading authorities on the matter. Improving the AR-15 has been a decades-long process, but behind many of the best AR-15 upgrades is one legendary figure: John Paul of JP Enterprises, Inc.

Hog Hunting – The Best AR Calibers

ARBuildJunkie recently sat down with professional depredation hunter Todd Huey of Lone Star Boars and Huey Outdoors to discuss a topic that few on the planet know better – hunting hogs with the AR platform.

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