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AR Optics – Overview of the Steiner T5Xi 1-5×24 & P4Xi 1-4×24

The Steiner T5Xi 1-5×24 is an optic we’ve grown to appreciate, and seems well respected by those to have spent time with it. It’s been mentioned in previous articles on LPVOs, and while perhaps not the latest and greatest, it is still a viable optic depending on your needs. To learn more about the Steiner T5Xi and the less expensive P4Xi 1-4×24, we reached out to Chris Gaddy, Steiner Product Manager.

Mark Smith of JBS Training Group – Range Mindset & Training the Individual

Mark Smith of JBS Training Group considers himself a normal guy, but his down-to-earth approach is welcome in an industry that can sometimes be intimidating. His style is also winning him a lot of attention lately, so to learn a bit more, we recently sat down with Mark to discuss his background, his unique approach to training, and why being just a ‘normal guy’ is nothing to be ashamed of.

Torkmag AR Magazines – An ARBuildJunkie Q&A

From time to time, we like to reach out to different firearms manufacturers like Torkmag to hear first hand what they’re all about, as well as perhaps get their perspective on their area of expertise. Most recently, we reached out to Torkmag to learn a bit more about the company and their somewhat unique take on the AR mag, which currently comes in 35, 40 and 50 round capacity.

Sons of Liberty Gun Works Carbine Series – What to Expect

Sons of Liberty Gun Works and The Ranch TX have announced the Sons of Liberty Gun Works Carbine Series, being held November 7-8 in Eagle Lake, TX. The event is a 12-stage carbine match with stages going out to 600 yards and jungle runs. To learn more, we recently spoke with The Ranch TX President, Matthew Shockey.

Battle Arms Development – Building a WORKHORSE

We recently sat down with Paul Chiappa from Battle Arms Development to discuss some of their new offerings for 2020, including the Silent Professional in 300 Blackout and the WORKHORSE, their take on a reliable, affordable firearms featuring a plethora of proven Battle Arms Development parts.

Scalarworks LEAP – An ARBuildJunkie Q&A

Quality optic mounts like the Scalarworks LEAP are a critical, but sometimes overlooked component of a proper AR build. To learn more about the thought process and hard work that goes into creating a high-end optic mount, we recently reached out to Scalarworks founder and owner, Phil Bartoszewicz.

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