Latest Interviews

Unity Tactical – Quality and Innovation for your AR

Unity Tactical is a name you see time and time again when researching the top quality mounting and switching solutions for the AR platform. To learn more about the company, we recently reached out to Chip Lasky, Business Development for Unity Tactical. We talk about the companies’ beginnings, and its philosophy behind the exciting, sought-after parts and accessories it currently offers.

Q’s Kevin Brittingham Update on 8.6 Blackout

Kevin Brittingham of Q LLC recently sat down for an interview with SilencerShop about the 8.6 Blackout.  We’ve been following this cartridge’s progress closely, but this recent video provides anyone interested with a great status update.   As far as basics, 8.6 has been described as 300 Blackout’s bigger brother. An easy way to visualize … Read more

Rooftop Defense – An ARBuildJunkie Q&A with Solomon Lehnerd

We recently sat down with Solomon Lehnerd from Rooftop Defense to discuss his background in the firearms industry and the launch of his new company, We discuss how his early experiences with the AR platform shaped his views on how he approaches the business, and why diving into the small details is important when building … Read more

Cloud Defensive REIN – An ARBuildJunkie Q&A

Cloud Defensive has recently launched its newest product – the REIN. The REIN (Rail mounted Environmental IllumiNator) is a powerful, durable, innovative, and complete weapon light system that comes to market after over two years of development following the launch of the Cloud Defensive OWL weapon light. To learn more about the Cloud Defensive REIN, we recently sat down with Cloud Defensive CEO, Sean McCauley.

AR Bolt Carrier Group Basics with Mike Mihalski of SOLGW

With so many buying ARs of varying levels of quality, we felt it was a good time to reach out to Mike Mihalski of Sons of Liberty Gun Works to discuss AR Bolt Carrier Group basics. Read on to learn about the basics behind why a quality bolt carrier group matters, and why you might consider an upgrade if you are uncertain about what you’re currently running in your AR.

Badger Ordnance on AR-15 Small Parts Solutions

When many think of Badger Ordnance, they often visualize high quality optic rings and mounting solutions like the Condition One Modular Mount. What they may not know is that the company also offers a wide variety of high quality AR-15 small parts. To learn more about some of these offerings, we recently sat down with … Read more

LAW Tactical & the JP Silent Captured Spring Collaboration

With the arrival of a new JP Silent Captured Spring designed to work with the LAW Tactical Folding Stock Adapter, we decided to sit down with Adam Burt, General Manager of JP Enterprises, Inc. to learn more about the collaboration, how it came about, and what shooters can expect when they pair these two innovative … Read more

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