Latest AR Parts

Paul Braun on Lessons Learned Living with the AR

We recently sat down with Paul Braun, instructor, technical writer and founder of Down Range Training Concepts, to talk about his unique perspective and experience with the AR platform. Paul has dedicated his life to understanding maintaining and teaching the AR platform, and sharing his knowledge with students whose lives depend on its proper function.

Fixing an Overgassed Rifle – Black River Tactical

When it comes to correcting overgassing issues on the AR platform, there are a few approaches you can take involving springs and buffers, but one company offering another solution to overgassed rifles is Black River Tactical. We recently sat down with its owner, Clint Lupton, to talk about overgassing and how his company’s products can … Read more

Badger Ordnance Condition One Scope Modular Mount – A Q&A

The recently launched, eagerly anticipated Badger Ordnance Condition One modular scope mount has caused quite the buzz since its release a few weeks ago. To learn more about why a sometimes overlooked, mundane component like a scope mount is receiving so many accolades and praise from industry professionals, we reached out to Jordan Gerber, Badger Ordnance’s Military Programs Manager.

AR-15 Feed Ramp Problems – School of the American Rifle

We recently reached out to Chad Albrecht at School of the American Rifle to discuss AR-15 feed ramp problems. Issues with feed ramps can be more common than many builders think, especially when you’re perhaps mixing and matching parts from different manufacturers.

Latest for ARs – Dirty Bird 2-Stage Trigger

Dirty Bird Industries has announced the release of a new Dirty Bird 2-Stage Trigger.  Dirty Bird Industries is a family owned and operated company in Bakersfield, CA, specializing in custom cerakote and AR15 hardware. In the past few months, we’ve have used Dirty Bird parts on a few occasions…most notably in a 9mm carbine build and … Read more

Best Red Dot Pistol Sights with Modern Samurai Project

While a red dot (or LPVO) is a given on almost all of my ARs, I’ve recently been exploring the idea of putting my first red dot on a pistol. To get an educated opinion on the best red dot pistol sights and why a red dot on a pistol is worth considering, we reached out to Scott Jedlinski of Modern Samurai Project.

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