Latest AR Parts

Adjustable Gas Blocks – School of the American Rifle

adjustable gas block

Chad from School of the American Rifle talks adjustable gas blocks. What are the caveats of using an adjustable gas block on your next AR build? What to look for in an adjustable gas block, and why a gas block that offers tactile feedback is preferred. Chad demonstrates how to prevent an adjustable gas block from becoming carbon locked, and shows us an example of what happens to a adjustable gas block if it is not properly maintained over time.

Best AR-15 Upgrades – What to Consider and WHY

What are the best AR-15 upgrades you can do to enhance the function and reliability of your rifle? Author/Gunsmith Todd Gimian gives us an overview of how to wisely approach upgrading off-the-shelf or out-of-the box AR-15.

Best AR-15 Lower Receiver – What to Look For

What is the best AR-15 upper receiver for your next build? Author/Gunsmith Todd Gimian gives us an overview of what to look for in an upper receiver, as well as several brands to research as you approach your next AR build.

APOC Armory – Cold Hammer Forged Barrels on a Budget?

From time to time, we like to reach out to different firearms manufacturers to hear first-hand what they’re all about. Earlier this week, we were able to speak with Travis Hamlin of APOC Armory about his company and its line of cold hammer forged barrels for the AR platform.

Best AR-15 Upper Receivers – What to Look For

What is the best AR-15 upper receiver for your next build? Author/Gunsmith Todd Gimian gives us an overview of what to look for in an upper receiver, as well as several brands to research as you approach your next AR build.

Chuck Pressburg Talks Downloading AR-15 Magazines

Should you download your magazines to 27, 28, 29…or is it even necessary? It’s a topic we’ve seen discussed a lot this week, and earlier today, one of our absolute favorite experts has recently weighed in via video on the topic of downloading AR-15 magazines and AR magazine spring tension.

Best AR-15 Barrel – What to Look For

What is the best AR-15 barrel for your next build? The answer is that it depends on what you want to do with your rifle. Guest author/gunsmith Todd Gimian gives ARBuildJunkie readers an overview of what to look for in a barrel, as well as a few brands to consider as you research what is right for you.

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