Latest AR-15

What is the Best AR-15 Stock or Stock Kit?

Strike Industries Viper PDW Stock - MSRP - $274.95

Since there are so many options to choose from when it comes to AR-15 stocks and AR stock kits, it can be difficult to know which one is right for your build. Read through this handy guide to get some ideas on what to consider when buying a stock or stock kit.

Is 12.5″ the Ideal Barrel Length for your AR Build?

BCM Standard 12.5" Upper Receiver Group with Daniel Defense Lite III(DDM4) 9" Handguard has a new feature up on their website praising the 12.5″ barrel length for the AR-15.  The article and corresponding video make a case for the 12.5″ rifle with a carbine length gas system in 5.56 based on a few key factors. When I explored building my first SBR in 5.56, I ended up … Read more

AR-15 Gas Block – What to Look for When Buying

ODIN Works Clamp on Adjustable Low Profile Gas Block - MSRP - $99.00

The gas system of your AR-15 is an absolutely essential part of your rifle, and the gas block is an essential part of the gas system. This buyer’s guide shows you what to keep in mind when choosing an AR-15 gas block.

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