Latest AR-15

Law Tactical – The Story of the AR Folding Stock Adapter

In an industry obsessed with innovation, one company delivering one of the most ground-breaking products in the past decade has been Law Tactical. Their Law Tactical AR Folding Stock Adapter has changed the form factor of the AR, allowing it to go places and do things that were previously impossible. To learn more about Law Tactical, their adapter and what’s next , we reached out to the company and its founder…

Palmetto State Armory – The Story So Far…

Over the past decade, Palmetto State Armory has impacted the market for the AR-15 in dramatic fashion. To learn more about the beginnings and rise of PSA, we recently sat down with founder and owner, Jamin McCallum.

M16 in Vietnam – An Interview with Chris Bartocci

To learn “what happened to the M16 in Vietnam,” it’s hard to think of someone better to ask than Chris Bartocci at Small Arms Solutions. Frankly, there are few active in the industry that know more about the M16 and its history than Chris, who has been intimately involved with the platform for almost his entire life.

State of the AR – A Q&A with Duane Liptak of Magpul

With Magpul celebrating its 20th anniversary, it’s a great time to touch base with Duane Liptak, Executive Vice President of Magpul. We discuss how the company has helped push the AR forward, Duane’s background, his role at the NRA, and his favorite AR builds.

Hard-Use AR-15 Buyer’s Guide with Ridgeline

We recently reached out to Alex Hartmann at Ridgeline to talk about the basics of the SPR or Special Purpose Rifle…however we also wanted him to help us create a “hard-use AR-15 buyer’s guide.” Let’s say you’re building or buying a reliable carbine to attend multiple day training courses, or a rifle you might need to bet your life on in a home defense situation. What basic factors should you consider on that rifle?

3-Gun Competition Basics with Joe Farewell

Professional 3-Gun competitor Joe Farewell left the relative comfort of a full-time job in law enforcement to pursue a career in training and 3-Gun competition. We recently sat down with him to discuss that transition, his preferred AR-15 setups, and the mistakes to avoid when starting out in competitive shooting.

Ash Hess on Marksmanship and Choosing the Right AR

Ash Hess is a skilled competitive shooter and the individual who rewrote the Army’s Marksmanship Manual. He is also involved with sales at one of the world’s greatest firearms manufacturers, Knight’s Armament. We spoke with Ash about how we can best improve not only our shooting skills, but the firearms we build.

“A Day in the Arena” Semi-Auto Precision Match Recap

This past weekend, a very special semi-auto precision rifle match was held in Blakely, Georgia. This first ever “A Day in the Arena” gas gun match, presented by Ash Hess and Jack Leuba allowed both novices and pros to join together enjoy a beautiful day on an approachable yet challenging course of fire…all to share their collective love for ARs and precision shooting.

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