Latest AR-15

Triggrcon 2019 – Dead Foot Arms

Dead Foot Arms highlights their Dead Foot Arms Modified Cycling System with Folding Stock Adapter, a drop-in kit for the AR-15 platform. Other items include the G-Rex pistol brace and a prototype of the new Dead Foot Arms Sub-Compact Weapon System.

Common AR-15 Myths – School of the American Rifle

Spend enough time in online AR-15 groups and you start to notice some patterns…common AR-15 myths taken as gospel by both newer and more experienced builders. In addition, the cult of “good enough” remains pervasive, as does the sometimes irrational over-confidence in parts that come with a high-price tag. To discuss, we recently spent some time talking to Chad Albrecht at School of the American Rifle.

School of the American Rifle – AR Builder’s Q&A Part 1

Chad Albrecht at the School of the American Rifle is teaching students how focusing on the little things is of huge importance when it comes to a dependable, reliable AR. In part one of our two part conversation, we talk to Chad about the beginnings of the School of the American Rifle, common builder misconceptions, and discuss the ebb and flow of quality control within the firearms industry.

Colion Noir and the “Evolving Appreciation of the AR-15”

Colion Noir is a leading 2nd Amendment advocate and television host who has a passion for firearms…as well as an obsession with the AR-15. We recently sat down with Colion Noir to discuss how his passion for the AR platform started, what he looks for in a defensive carbine, advice for those new to the AR, his perspective on training and much, much more.

Steve “Yeti” Fisher of Sentinel Concepts – A Q&A

Steve “Yeti” Fisher of Sentinel Concepts is one of the most knowledgeable and sought-after trainers and experts on the AR-15 platform. We recently sat down with him to discuss his experiences with the AR-15, how new students should approach training, why a new shooter doesn’t necessarily need a super high-end rifle, and much more. In … Read more

Battle Arms Development – A Decade of AR Innovation

On July 4th, 2019, Battle Arms Development celebrated its 10th anniversary.  We thought it was an opportune time to briefly touch base with its president, George Huang.  George graciously took some time out of his holiday to speak to ARBuildJunkie about both the history of the company as well as where he believes it’s headed … Read more

Pantheon Arms Dolos System – Building a Takedown AR

We’ve gotten a lot of questions over the past few months about building a takedown AR-15…specifically using the Dolos System from Pantheon Arms. To learn a bit more about the Dolos, which is advertised as a “Rapid Takedown and Deployment System,” we recently reached out to Pantheon Arms CEO Steve Roddel…

Q Sugar Weasel – A Q&A with Kevin Brittingham

With the recent launch of the Q Sugar Weasel, we thought it was a great time to again reach out to Kevin Brittingham for an update on that firearm, the new Q Side Chick chassis for the Remington 700, and an update on the status of the upcoming 8.6 Creedmoor.

Semper Paratus Arms – Armorer’s Advice to AR Builders

William Larson of Semper Paratus Arms puts on perhaps the best two-day AR-15 Armorer Course available anywhere to civilians, law enforcement and miltary in the world today. He’s also someone we’ve long wanted to speak with to discuss the “do’s and don’ts” of building a truly reliable AR. We were fortunate enough to fianlly catch up with William Larson during a brief break in his tremendously busy schedule.

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