Latest AR-15

AR-15 Feed Ramp Problems – School of the American Rifle

We recently reached out to Chad Albrecht at School of the American Rifle to discuss AR-15 feed ramp problems. Issues with feed ramps can be more common than many builders think, especially when you’re perhaps mixing and matching parts from different manufacturers.

Centurion Arms RECCE Rifle with Monty LeClair

With the launch of Centurion Arms’ RECCE rifle, we decided to sit down with Monty LeClair to discuss the meaning of “RECCE rifle”, his background with the platform, details of the Centurion Arms RECCE rifle, and why a similar AR build might be perfectly suited for you…depending on your needs.

Stephanie Martz – AR-15s, Women & the Power of “Why”

As a small arms repairman and writer for the American Gunsmith, Stephanie Martz’s passion for building and maintaining firearms at a high level is an inspiration. To learn more about Stephanie, her journey with the AR, her path towards excellence, and the importance of asking “why?”, we were fortunate enough to sit down and speak with her for a brief interview.

Jesse James Firearms Unlimited – An AR Q&A

We recently sat down with renowned custom motorcycle manufacturer and television host Jesse James, owner and founder of Jesse James Firearms Unlimited (JJFU), to discuss his unique vision of the AR platform and his custom-crafted creations.

JP Enterprises – Law Enforcement Agency JP Rifles

JP Enterprises recently released a full line of JP duty rifles that are both high quality and reasonably priced. To learn more about these rifles and JP’s history of making reliable rifles for law enforcement, we reached out to owner and founder John Paul.

Practically Tactical – Personal Protection and the AR-15

The hosts of Practically Tactical are on the very short list of content creators regularly putting out credible, high quality, and honest information about firearms. To learn more about Practically Tactical, we reached out to founder and host, Nick Humphries. We discuss the importance of firearms training for personal protection, keeping an open mind, what to avoid when building a reliable AR, his personal rifle setup and much more.

Centurion Arms – Hammer Forged Barrels and Gas Blocks

We recently touched base with Monty LeClair of Centurion Arms to see what was new since we last spoke to him about his experiences with the MK12. In this article, we discuss Monty’s recent push to take production in-house, what he feels makes his cold hammer forged barrels superior to many others on the market, and why he feels many simply use “cold hammer forged” as a marketing term.

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