Latest AR-15

Criterion Barrels for the AR-15

What goes into a quality AR barrel? What features should you consider for your next barrel for your AR-15? Michael Ross of Criterion Barrels gives us an overview of barrels for the AR platform…what to look for, and why he believes Criterion Barrels offer something unique to the industry. Michael also explains why builders should … Read more

Veritas Tactical & the Extreme Short Barreled AR-15

Veritas Tactical is currently making some very interesting and eye-catching extreme short barreled AR-15s. From time to time, we like to reach out to different firearms manufacturers like Veritas Tactical to hear first hand what they’re all about.

Best AR-15 Complete Upper Receiver

What is the best AR-15 complete upper receiver assembly? It’s a question worth asking if you’re not quite ready to build your own complete upper reciever. While we obviously love building, we also love collecting uppers and complete factory ARs.

Best AR-15 Handguard – Ask the Experts

We have the opportunity to interact with many of the world’s leading experts on the AR platform. While there is no single best AR-15 handguard for everyone, we have been able to compile a list of a few worth considering based on past interviews with experts, as well as conversations with passionate, knowledgeable enthusiasts.

Paul Braun on Lessons Learned Living with the AR

We recently sat down with Paul Braun, instructor, technical writer and founder of Down Range Training Concepts, to talk about his unique perspective and experience with the AR platform. Paul has dedicated his life to understanding maintaining and teaching the AR platform, and sharing his knowledge with students whose lives depend on its proper function.

Fixing an Overgassed Rifle – Black River Tactical

When it comes to correcting overgassing issues on the AR platform, there are a few approaches you can take involving springs and buffers, but one company offering another solution to overgassed rifles is Black River Tactical. We recently sat down with its owner, Clint Lupton, to talk about overgassing and how his company’s products can … Read more

Lanny Barnes – Olympian on ARs, 3-Gun Tips, Women & Firearms

“Lanny Oakley”, aka Lanny Barnes, is a 3-time Olympian and professional shooter who has spent an entire career focused on elevating her performance with her rifle to the highest level attainable. We recently sat down with her to discuss her amazing career, actionable advice on how to take your shooting to the next level, and her perspective on the increasing adoption of the AR platform by women.

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