Cavity Back Bullets – Next Level AR Performance

A projectile getting a major buzz in professional hunting circles for 300 Blackout, 6.5 Grendel and more is a supremely lethal copper bullet called the “Cavity Back.” Due to its unique design, these bullets are hitting harder, faster and with more accuracy than almost anything else currently on the market. To learn more about the bullet’s unique design, we reached out to the inventor, Robert DeBell.

B5 Systems – Enhanced SOPMOD & Bravo Overview

For my shooting style, I am a still a huge fan of the Enhanced SOPMOD stock. A brief look around the industry tells me I’m not alone in my preference. To learn a bit more about the B5 Systems version of the SOPMOD stock, and the Bravo SOPMOD, we spoke with Mark Keller, Vice President at B5 Systems.

Forward Controls Design – Simple Function Over Form

For Roger Wang at Forward Controls Design, the small things aren’t small…in fact, they’re everything. As a maker of high quality AR parts and accessories, Forward Controls Design is consistently putting out a wide variety high-quality AR parts. We recently sat down with Roger Wang learn more about the company and some of the small, well-thought out small parts he is producing.

Geissele Super Modular Rails – An Overview

When discussing high-quality, handguard choices for the AR-15, Geissele Super Modular Rails are something we hear mentioned often. To learn more, we sat down with Diego Muya and Nick Serena from Geissele.

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