“A Day in the Arena” Semi-Auto Precision Match Recap

This past weekend, a very special semi-auto precision rifle match was held in Blakely, Georgia. This first ever “A Day in the Arena” gas gun match, presented by Ash Hess and Jack Leuba allowed both novices and pros to join together enjoy a beautiful day on an approachable yet challenging course of fire…all to share their collective love for ARs and precision shooting.

SB Tactical and the SBA3 – An Interview with Alex Bosco

There are few AR parts that have achieved what the SB tactical SBA3 pistol stabilizing brace has. We’re frankly hard pressed to name an accessory that has so radically changed what the AR can be, while also being functional and aesthetically pleasing. To learn a bit more, we reached out to the SB Tactical founder and CEO, Alex Bosco.

Primary & Secondary – A Conversation with Matt Landfair

For researched, well-thought out information on firearms for and by professional end-users, Primary & Secondary is a welcome respite from the ill-informed nonsense and lowest common denominator clickbait that passes for knowledge. To learn more about P&S, we reached out to its founder, Matt Landfair.

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