Chris Bartocci and the Rise of Small Arms Solutions

Chris Bartocci from Small Arms Solutions is a massive influence on not only our website, but on the world of ARs as a whole. For very good reason, Chris has been one of ARBuildJunkie’s most requested interview subjects. In part two of our three part interview, we talk to Chris about his early experiences with the AR-15, background, his persistence in the face of adversity, and how Small Arms Solutions began…

Best Low Power Variable Optic (LPVO) – Expert Advice

With so many optics on the market and with so many users with strong opinions and varying levels of expertise, it can be difficult to cut through the noise and make an informed choice. We reached out to some optics experts to help us make a decision…

Quantified Performance – Shooters Setting Standards

Quantified Performance’s mission is “connecting companies of value with customers of prominence.” Developed by Ash Hess and Jack Leuba, it’s an online hub where shooters can share data to chart what works. It will act as a place where participants can interact directly with the firearms industry…sharing feedback and building professional connections.

Palmetto State Armory – The Story So Far…

Over the past decade, Palmetto State Armory has impacted the market for the AR-15 in dramatic fashion. To learn more about the beginnings and rise of PSA, we recently sat down with founder and owner, Jamin McCallum.

M16 in Vietnam – An Interview with Chris Bartocci

To learn “what happened to the M16 in Vietnam,” it’s hard to think of someone better to ask than Chris Bartocci at Small Arms Solutions. Frankly, there are few active in the industry that know more about the M16 and its history than Chris, who has been intimately involved with the platform for almost his entire life.

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