Riflespeed Gas Controls – An ARBuildJunkie Q&A

We recently sat down with Kyle Lynch of Riflespeed to discuss his approach to the adjustable AR gas system, called the Riflespeed Gas Control system. We discuss how the idea came about, issues with other adjustable gas systems, and why he feels Riflespeed’s Gas Control system has the potential to change the approach of AR manufacturers in the years ahead.

Tactical Shotgun Basics with Cougar Mountain Solutions

We’ve been getting a renewed appreciation for the tactical shotgun as a home defense tool in recent months, and as such reached out to one of the best shotgun instructors in the country today, Erick Gelhaus of Cougar Mountain Solutions. We discuss his long career with the shotgun, his advice for setting up and staging a shotgun, ammo selection and more.

Hodge Defense Systems – A 2023-24 Update with Jim Hodge

We recently sat down with Jim Hodge of Hodge Defense Systems to disuss what he and his company have been up to since we last spoke. We learn about new partnerships, his approach to the commercial and non-commercial market, the ‘why’ behind his company’s approach, and his outlook on the firearms industry as we approach the new year.

Garand Thumb on General Purpose ARs and More – An ARBuildJunkie Q&A

We sat down with Michael Jones, AKA Garand Thumb to discuss the tremendous success of Garand Thumb, goals for the future, his experiences with the AR platform, what he looks for in a hard-use rifle, the importance of training, and more.  Q: Michael, did your professional background as a survival instructor lead you to the … Read more

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