Michael Green of Green Ops Joins Sons of Liberty Gun Works Pro Staff

When we last spoke to Mike Mihalski of Sons of Liberty Gun Works, he promised that 2020 would be an eventful year for the company. In addition to new products and partnerships, Sage Dynamics’ Aaron Cowen and Presscheck Consulting’s Chuck Pressburg joined Sons of Liberty Gun Works as Pro Staff. They will now be joined by Green Ops’ Michael Green.

RailScales – An ARBuildJunkie Q&A with Derek Shelton

We recently reached out to RailScales to learn more about their highly regarded products, including G10 and polymer textured rail covers for ARs. I currently run the Dragon Railscales on my go-to AR-15 and have been very impressed with the feel, look, and overall sense of quality on display. To learn more, I spoke with RailScales product engineer and co-owner, Derek Shelton.

Maxim Defense MDX:508, MDX:510 Overview – SHOT 2020

Maxim Defense is planning to launch their new Maxim Defense MD:15 in the days ahead, which we’ll be bringing you info about in the near future, but for now, we look back at our visit to the Maxim Defense Booth at this year’s SHOT Show. There, we got an overview of the other new offerings from the company, the Maxim Defense MDX:508 and MDX:510

D. Wilson Manufacturing – A Q&A with Dave Wilson

A self-described “firearms machinist,” Dave Wilson’s name is repeated far and wide online wherever AR enthusiasts seek expert help with their builds. From pin and welds to full-on AR assembly, Dave Wilson at D. Wilson Manufacturing is a name that should be on your very short list should the need arise.

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