Building a Better AR-15 with Trajectory Arms

Studying the AR with some of the brightest in the industry has paid off for Alex Bohl of Trajectory Arms. His philosophy on high quality ARs for wide variety of customers is on-target, and well worth learning more about. We recently caught up with Alex to talk about what it takes to build a better AR, who has inspired him, and get some basic advice for builders that can lead to better firearms.

Dirty Bird RECCE & Dirty Bird MCF-A Ambidextrous Lower Receivers

For the past year, my go-to build has been a simple, reliable rifle put together using a Dirty Bird complete upper and lower I configured via the website. It’s seen a lot of use as a complete rifle. The build features an accurate upper and a fantastic ambidextrous lower receiver that most certainly deserves … Read more

High Scope Mounts on the AR-15 – A Q&A with Mark Smith

If you are in the market for a new scope mount, you may have noticed the trend towards high scope mounts for red dot optics and LPVOs. I’ll admit to some personal confusion about the “why” behind these mounts and what I should choose for my rifles. To get a better understanding of high scope mounts for the AR platform, I reached out to Mark Smith of JBS Training Group.

AR-15 Bipods and Mounts – A Q&A with Badger Ordnance

What is the purpose of a bipod, and should you run one on your AR? To get an answer to this common question, and go over some of the innovations Badger Ordnance has brought to the very popular Harris bipod, we reached out to Jordan Gerber, Badger Ordnance’s Military Programs Manager.

Dark Hour Defense – An ARBuildJunkie Q&A with Joel Allen

Joel Allen from V Seven knows what makes a top-tier company, as his past with Noveske, and his current work producing quality rifles at V Seven has proven. We recently sat down with Joel to discuss another of his companies that he takes great pride in, Dark Hour Defense. Even though it’s not yet a household name, Dark Hour Defense a company worth watching, producing high-quality, moderately cost AR components and more.

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