James Burton
In Defense of the Red Dot Optic with Mark Smith
With so much talk around Low Power Variable Optics (LPVOs), it can sometimes seem like 1x red dot optics are falling out of favor. We’ve worked with Mark Smith in the past to bring you the benefits of Low Power Variable Optics (LPVOs); however, in this article, we wanted him to discuss the fact that for many, red dots are still the preferred optic for the AR platform.
Strike Industries AR-15 Angled Grip w/ Cable Management
New AR Optics from Vortex in 2021 – An ARBuildJunkie Q&A
Vortex has announced the launch of new, updated AR-specific optics for 2021, including their SPARC red-dot and their prism-based Spitfire. To learn more about these optics and why they are worth considering, we recently chatted with Vortex’s Reuben Aleckson.
Dirty Bird 13.7″ 5.56 Midlength Medium Profile 1:8 Complete Upper Configurator
Strike Industries AR Enhanced Low Profile Steel Gas Block
Multitasker Tools Launches the Multitasker NANO
We recently sat down with the owner and founder of Multitasker Tools to discuss the launch of their handy new Multitasker NANO, which is now seeing the light of day after three years in development. We’re huge fans of the company, their products and their commitment to quality without compromise.