Tactics & Applications, LLC Acquires Lightfighter.net

With the current state of affairs across both the political spectrum and social media landscapes, it is imperative that professionals and 2A enthusiasts alike have an unbiased safe haven for discussion, education, and community. Tactics & Applications has acquired Lightfighter.net to ensure that the atmosphere and avenues conducive to producing and archiving the information both entities are known for are safe and secure going forward.

Aaron Cowan of Sage Dynamics on Hard Use ARs, and the Sage Edition SOLGW Blaster

We recently sat down with Aaron Cowan of Sage Dynamics to talk about how he got involved with firearms training, his training approach, and why merely relying on video is not a substitute for real-world interactive training. We also discuss Aaron’s definition of a “hard-use AR,” and what inspired his highly sought after Sage Edition Sons of Liberty Gun Works AR.

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