Accuracy, Precision and Choosing an AR Optic with Ian Tashima

In an attempt to learn more about what is an acceptable level of accuracy from our ARs, we recently sat down with Ian Tashima, who is a well-regarded expert on the topic. In part one of a two-part discussion, we talk about accuracy versus precision, optic selection, and realistic expectations for our rifles.

Rosco Manufacturing AR-15 Barrels – An ARBuildJunkie Q&A

When researching respected, high-quality, yet affordable barrels for the AR platform, one name that pops up continuously is Rosco Manufacturing. Known for years as a dependable OEM manufacturer, the company also offers its Bloodline, Purebred, and very recently, it’s new K9 line of barrels. To learn more about the company and the barrels it offers, we reached out to Rosco’s Tiberious Giblin.

V Seven Weapons Systems – A Cure for the Common AR?

V Seven Weapons Systems is building high-quality, extremely lightweight ARs using a variety of uncommon materials including titanium, magnesium and lithium aluminum. In recent months we’ve heard a lot of good things about these rifles, so to learn more we reached to V Seven Weapons Systems owner and founder, Joel Allen.

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