Weapons Light for Your AR-15 with Kyle Lamb

Weapons light for your AR-15? For being something widely agreed on as a vital component of a defensive carbine build, it’s something that is easy to ignore. For a reminder and perhaps a wakeup call, we touched base with Kyle Lamb of Viking Tactics to tell us why having a weapons light for your AR-15 is a smart idea.

5.56 vs. 7.62 with Chuck Pressburg

In the third and final part of our recent conversation with Chuck Pressburg of Presscheck Consulting, we discuss 5.56 vs. 7.62. What advantage are we really gaining when we use a 7.62 x 51/.308? AR-10?

H&K 416 – Chuck Pressburg’s Perspective

We’re hearing more and more questions about the H&K 416 lately. Specifically, “Is it worthwhile to try to build (from recently released parts kits) or buy a piston-driven H&K 416 or MR556?” To learn a bit more, we recently spoke with Chuck Pressburg about his experiences with the platform.

Best AR-10 Rifle – A Buyers Guide

What is the best AR-10 rifle…from the factory, off-the-shelf? A somewhat odd question coming from website with “build” in its name, but it’s a question that we get asked from builders who are not ready to commit to an AR-10 build.

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