If you’re looking for real firearms journalism, be sure to head over to Steven Gutowski’s TheReload.com. No one is doing better, more in-depth original reporting right now on the firearms industry. Well worth subscribing if you’re into that kind of thing…
We’re asked quite often how long we can expect the current ammo shortage we’re in to last, as it impacts how often we are able to shoot recreationally and train. From the looks of this article, we may unfortunately have a long way to go.
“On certain products, we are certainly seeing backlogs that stretch out two years and beyond,” Brett Flaugher, president of Winchester Ammunition, told The Reload. “For those who shoot 9mm and 5.56 ammunition, which are both in high demand, it’s very uncertain how long it will be before people will consistently have ammunition readily available.”
“I’m looking at two and a half years’ worth of demand already on order,” Jason Hornady, vice president of Hornady Manufacturing Company, told The Reload. “So, I’m not seeing a slowdown for two and a half years.”