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Accuracy, Precision and Choosing an AR Optic with Ian Tashima

In an attempt to learn more about what is an acceptable level of accuracy from our ARs, we recently sat down with Ian Tashima, who is a well-regarded expert on the topic. In part one of a two-part discussion, we talk about accuracy versus precision, optic selection, and realistic expectations for our rifles.

Rosco Manufacturing AR-15 Barrels – An ARBuildJunkie Q&A

When researching respected, high-quality, yet affordable barrels for the AR platform, one name that pops up continuously is Rosco Manufacturing. Known for years as a dependable OEM manufacturer, the company also offers its Bloodline, Purebred, and very recently, it’s new K9 line of barrels. To learn more about the company and the barrels it offers, we reached out to Rosco’s Tiberious Giblin.

V Seven Weapons Systems – A Cure for the Common AR?

V Seven Weapons Systems is building high-quality, extremely lightweight ARs using a variety of uncommon materials including titanium, magnesium and lithium aluminum. In recent months we’ve heard a lot of good things about these rifles, so to learn more we reached to V Seven Weapons Systems owner and founder, Joel Allen.

6mm ARC Basics – What you Need to Know to Get Started

With the rise of 6mm ARC, we’ve been asked many questions on what it takes to get started shooting and if the round is perhaps overhyped. To learn more, we reached out to Eric Lee, owner of Sgt of Arms, who is building high-quality, competition-winning ARs, many of which are chambered in 6mm ARC.

Mark Smith of JBS Training Group Talks Rifle Support Bags

This video from Mark Smith of JBS Training Group talks rifle support bags and why they should be something you pick up for your rifle. Learn about different bags, features he likes and dislikes, how these bags support both your gun, your body, and more. Be sure to check out recent articles we’ve done with … Read more

Jared Reston – Training & the AR-15 for Law Enforcement

ARBuildJunkie recently spoke with Jared Reston of Reston Group about the AR-15’s vital role in law enforcement and just how critical it is for LEOs to seek out their own training beyond what they receive at the academy. We also discuss the true meaning of “proper mindset” and the actual real-world usefulness of competition shooting.

Home Defense Shotguns with Sentinel Concepts

With a diverse range of reliable shotguns available for home defense, we consulted with Steve “Yeti” Fisher of Sentinel Concepts to explore the best options. In this discussion, we cover home defense shotgun do’s and don’ts, and essential considerations for anyone considering the switch from an AR or pistol.

Precision Rifle Shooting for Beginners – Critical Gear with Jeremy Tye

We recently sat down with professional precision shooter Jeremy Tye to learn more about what it takes to get into precision gas gun shooting and advice on rifles, ammo, and more. In this article, we talk about the mission-critical accessories you need to get started and the best way to get your foot in the door of the competition world.

Precision Rifle Shooting Tips – Fundamentals for Success with Jeremy Tye

We expand beyond the basics to learn some more advanced tips for precision shooting, and what it takes to take your shooting to the next level. We discuss the importance of being able to factor for wind, proper shooting position, and how to best support your rifle while shooting, the correct way to use a tripod, and more.

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